As you lead your family into this Christmas season 2024, here is a great video teaching by One for Israel on "Discover why Bethlehem - Trial and Promise in Christ's Birth". [] It's just 7 minutes and filmed on location as it connects the realities of life for Mary and Joseph, the Incarnation and the prophecies related to Christ's first coming! Please try and incorporate these truths into your teaching of your family and remember to involve your wife ahead of time too! Merry Christmas! Blessings!
The church we attend lately does some things we really like during worship: a seriousness related to the truths of the message each Sunday, hymns which speak to and undergird those truths and the finishing of the service with our arms raised, palms up and the singing of that which is known as the Common Doxology. This particular doxology was written by Thomas Ken in 1674 and the lyrics are:
"Praise God, from Whom all Blessings Flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen! Known as Words of Glory, singing a doxology at the end of a service is a great reminder as we finish and we are sent off into the world again. I love the doxological expression of Paul in Romans 11 and I especially like the benedictions of Hebrews 13 and Jude 24. Here in this article from Grace to You Blog we are encouraged to focus our attention and thankfulness to God for His many blessings. The Common Doxology is one that helps us with our mindset. Blessings! |
Robert Thomas Clark, M.Div. This is the ministry blog of Robert Thomas Clark, It is designed to be a repository of inspiring, impactful & influential posts on biblical truth, themes and concepts, which brings insights and initiates inquisitiveness!. Archives
December 2024