Approved Workmen training was borne out of the revelation that there are many preachers and Bible teachers in around Manila and in the provinces who are craving further training, but they cannot move to get it nor afford it.
Robert was constantly finding that preaching in the Philippines lacks good exegesis, resulting in solidly biblical expository preaching. Thus, after learning of some stateside training in his home sending church centered around a 7 message, 1-day event, he arranged for a team to come in November 2014 to partner with him and hold this event at Emmanuel Baptist Church and at BBS&I. Since EBC seemed to be a hub for the pastoral association in Manila and close by provinces, it seemed natural for them to host one event and of course, the seminary was perfect for an second event. Our second AWT event was held in November 2015 in Baguio City at Doane Rest and Training Center. A team of missionaries and educators came together and shared 5 messages to over 60 people from that region. Our third AWT event was spread over a series of Tuesday evenings in the Baras region (an hour east of Manila). Veteran missionary John Dreisbach has served among cluster groups of pastors all over the Philippines. John invited Robert to instruct his group of men over several weeks with AWT materials. We almost finished this training, but it was delayed a number of weeks due to the death of the wife of one of our key pastors in that area. Thus, the plan now upon our return in 2017 is to review together and then finish our AWT messages. We have 3 other potential locations for AWT events upon our return to Manila. We would ask you to pray for this important ministry of bringing training to the preachers in the provinces. |
Expositional PreachingIt became evident early on in our first term in Manila that people are craving solidly biblical preaching. Through AWT events we hope to help shape a new generation of Filipino preachers and give them the tools necessary to improve on what they are already striving to do and fulfill their calling.
Heart of the PreacherOne key element of AWT is to speak to the heart of the preachers and to help them realize that if it doesn't change them in their own lives, then one can't expect it to change those they are preaching to. Pray for us as we help to direct men to preach from good exegesis with strong conviction in expository sermons.