Men's League at EBCThe men of Emmanuel Baptist Church are awesome! The ladies and youth are too, but I must say we've been impressed to see these men serving in numerous ways, as well as looking to develop the young men of EBC as well.
That is very exciting to be a part of! It allows us to come and serve alongside them in a training and teaching capacity. I believe the Lord used a Men's League study about 8 years ago on Biblical Manhood to help them become who they are today. There is a definite mutual support going on and they are digging into the Word of God regularly together and leading their families as shepherds under the Chief Shepherd. During 2018 we were able to reestablish a consistency in Men's League as I ran a 6 meeting series through the Pentateuch. Our Walk Thru the Pentateuch was very successful and the men are hungry for more. Thus, we intend to carry on through the Old Testament and on into the New Testament book by book with an overview approach and a mutual support of one another. We would ask you to pray for the men of EBC to continue down this path of following hard after the Lord in faith.