Finding ways to establish a system of study and seeking to refine that along the way will help boost our exegetical efficiency and result in improvement in our expository preaching. The best Bible study, note-taking system I have come across ultimately comes from Jonathan Edwards, but I was exposed to it through a Presbyterian pastor and preacher, Dr. Matthew Everhard, on his YouTube channel. There he instructs us on this updated system which he learned from his scholarly study of the Puritan preacher, Jonathan Edwards and it is known as the Miscellanies. I am personally personally engaged on my own Miscellanies Project as I use it to focus on key verses from Bibliology, Christology, Soteriology, etc. In addition to this, I am using it to focus on key passages in Hebrews, and all of Jude, 1 & 2 Thessalonians and Titus. It's time consuming but well worth doing it several days every week. I have also required my students to adopt their own Miscellanies so as to expose them to this method and enrich their study of God's Word. Following Dr. Everhard's example, this can be done very miscellanies-like (meaning: mixed; various with your own choice of passages). Or, one can be more methodical like focusing on a theme like all verses related to the importance of the cross & the atonement or justification by faith or sanctification. Anyway this is the most awesome system I’ve come across! Have fun and make a plan! Blessings! Pastor Robert
Hey there! I am overjoyed at the response to the launching of this new group! We are now at 105 members! So, welcome! Did you see this...It's from March of 2021, but you might have missed it. I think it is important to keep ourselves aware of what God is doing in the realm of archeology and I have always had an interest in information about the discoveries related to the Dead Sea Scrolls. It's just fascinating that the Lord continues to provide us with evidence and proof of the Bible. The significance of it all goes a long way for our confidence and assurance in our walk of faith. I believe it is a fulfillment of His promise made to us through Isaiah 30:8 that He would leave us a WRITTEN WITNESS FOREVER. What better way to give veracity and validity to His Word than to provide us with archeological support and evidence? Here I have posted a link to this 11-minute clip from "The Watchman Newscast" with Erick Stakelbeck entitled "New Dead Sea Scrolls Discovered in Israel's Qumran Caves"! This cave is quite hard to get to and you'll see someone dangling from a rope to get to it from the mesa above. This is the first discovery in Qumran among the Dead Sea Scrolls in 60+ years!! I believe you too will be encouraged by this discovery and please take note of the first verses they have been able to determine already. We are encouraged to be watchful in the last days for His return, but also for those things that He will do to show His glory. Blessings! Pastor Robert It is an interesting phenomenon when you think about it that a man who was such a prolific reader and writer, like Charles H. Spurgeon, would be such a great preacher and Bible teacher.
He didn't go to seminary, but he helped launch the Pastor's College through men in his congregation and sponsored it heavily through his constant teaching there. I have heard that a huge round wooden table was in his study and there were 10+ books stationed around it with bookmarks and a note pad. Spurgeon would read, take notes and move on and he or a secretary would come by later and gather those notes to get them in the right location for future use. He's not the only one I've heard this about...Jonathan Edwards had a similar desk and it is on display somewhere as well as a replica of it as search and you can see it. Someday I'll have one of those in my study. In the meantime and I just try to keep training my mind to be Bible saturated...and I still have trouble remembering more than 3 things on a list to buy at the grocery store for my wife. Spurgeon must have been a genius with a photographic memory (a rare and gifted combo!). I hope you enjoy this part 2 of 5 Minutes of Church History, Spurgeon! Click on the quote below to listen to the podcast or on the link. Blessings! Pastor Robert Before the Covid came upon the world, I was re-reading key portions of the classic apologetic book by Frank Morison (real name: Albert Henry Ross), "Who Moved the Stone". I don't know if you have read it but if not, then you should try to find it and read it.
I first read it in college as a loaner from a friend. Then, I found it for myself in a little second-hand London bookstore around the year 2000, in their attic (full of dusty books for sale) in a box in a corner shelf! - this was an awesome find, costing just 1.20pounds!) Now I am reading it for a 3rd time, having found a good deal on an e-book of the same and I am loving it once again. Written in 1930 this makes it 91 years old ! (about the same age as actor Clint Eastwood! (he, he!). Well, anyway, here's a short review of it for your enjoyment and I hope you will find this apologetic classic to be effective for improving your apologetic aptitude Blessings! Pastor Robert I am very thankful to see that after just a few months we have reached 105 members! Welcome to all!! My prayer is that these posts will be help you in your walk of faith and service for God as you discern truth in these dark days we are experiencing. One for Israel is one of my most favorite ministries to learn from about the connection between Old Testament symbolism, typology, events and pictures with New Testament truth and fulfillment. This is a ministry of those who are considered "completed Jews" as they have come to faith in Christ having recognized their sinfulness can only be forgiven by Jesus, the true Messiah who they have been waiting for. Some prominent pastors these days are calling for the "unhitching" of the OT from modern 21st century Christians. Don't believe them! What really needs to happen is a concerted effort to go deeper into understanding what God gave to us through all of His Scriptures and then we will see a more full and even saturated impact on the lives of 21st century believers. Here is a short video from Dr. Erez Soref, the president of One for Israel, which was released in December 2020. In it he broadens our view of something extremely important as to how the Lord Jesus Incarnation was prepared for. Notice that King David took the sacrificial lamb aspect of worship extremely seriously, even creating a field especially to care for them. Of course, the picture of it all was in anticipation of the Messiah's eventual arrival and then giving His life on behalf of sinners. I pray this will give you greater encouragement as you seek to discern the Lord's truth in His Word. We should never "unhitch" ourselves from His Word ever. It would be a dishonor since He has meant it all to be a "written witness forever"!! See Isaiah 30:8 for more about that! Blessings! Pastor Rob We now have 85 members in this new group on Facebook! Welcome to all the new members...about 25 newbies just this week! To help us shepherd others we must understand certain aspects of what they need to know from God's Word. A key aspect of this discipleship and shepherding is helping them become very familiar with God's Word and the doctrines of grace and truth which are revealed from Genesis to Revelation. That takes a tenacity and perseverance on our part in our study of His Word and exposure to what He wants us to know about Him and our existence. I think something that has helped me very much in my walk of faith is a deeper dive study of Genesis because so many of the doctrines which we see in other parts of the Bible are there as "seeds of truth" for our understanding and wisdom for living. One example there is in the first sacrifice of Genesis 3 and how God takes the life of an innocent and its skin to "cover" as an atonement for Adam's sin, providing for their being protected from God's wrath over man's sinfulness. This is a preview of what God would eventually do with the Messiah, Jesus Christ. Here is a 1/2 hour show out of a ministry in Canada known as Creation Magazine LIVE!, which focuses on the seeds of doctrinal truth found in Genesis and revealed further in the rest of the Bible. I hope it is for you an encouragement to your understanding of God's Word and your walk of faith. Click on the above link or the link below! Blessings! Pastor Robert I'm kind of on the run at the moment, trying to catch up on things which pile up after a the the holidays. My early morning regimen on most days is: ~ Drive to a local coffee shop listening to Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones for 15 minutes there and then the same going home later. ~ Devotions in Dr. Paul Enns' book "Approaching God: Daily Reflections for Growing Christians". ~ Work on my Miscellanies Project for 20-30 minutes in either Hebrews, Jude or 1 Thessalonians (not everyday), which is a deep dive study recording in my journals (see YouTube, Matthew Everhard, Best Bible Study Method Ever for more info). ~ Read a couple blog articles or watch a short clip on such things as Bible exposition & interpretation, sufficiency of Scripture, shepherding principles or apologetics. It is the last of these, apologetics, where today I found a very important short testimony by the "Cold-Case Christianity Guy", J. Warner Wallace. He is answering the issue of "This Truth Matters More than all the Rest", using his testimony and methods of investigation or apologetics. I hope it is an inspiration to you as it was to me today. Blessings! Pastor Rob Recently I was asked something to the effect of what is the “doctrinal hill” on which I would die on. I hesitated just a bit with my answer only because I was sizing up in my mind how close the 2nd doctrinal hill I would die on was to the first.
But the hesitation was not related to moving off that first hill to the second hill, but only on how I would answer to get that 2nd hill into its proper significant role as a close second position. I hope that makes sense. Anyway my answer was the inerrancy of Scripture for the first and the “ordo salutis (order of salvation) for the second, especially regeneration and God’s sovereign control of giving new birth to dead sinners. I will provide a good article on this aspect as well soon. It has been and always will remain His work from beginning to end...otherwise one could boast that they achieved salvation on their own merit, which we know from Eph. 2:8-9 to be true. I think these are key for us and when we exercise discernment we give credence to these doctrines and Scripture’s sufficiency. Here in this blog article we find some great truths to enrich our understanding of all of these. It's the first of a series with a focus on Faith and Discernment. Blessings! Pastor Robert. I don't know but I have this restlessness within me that seems to only be satisfied when I'm reading and studying and discovering things related to God's Word and His people as well. It's not all I do, but it is what I tend to do lately.
This category takes into account the influence of men who are considered giants of the faith. So, it is somewhat biographical, though also oriented towards historical theology, which is very important to us. I hope it is for you a place to come and be inspired by the men of God who continue to speak for God by way of their sermons, books, pamphlets and even videos related to all of that. Here I offer you a link to one of Charles Spurgeon's greatest sermons all packaged up in a nice outline form to help us. Because of the way their website works the initial link doesn't give it to you as a sermon, so you must scroll down and find it and then click again. You'll then have it. Spurgeon loved the Word of God and proclaimed its truth diligently and resolutely! A huge percentage of the titles of his sermons had Jesus' name in it too! I know this first post is a bit long, but don't be scared off by it...come back to this FB group again for more encouragement and inspiration from other giants of the faith! Click on the above link or on the quote below to go to this website on Spurgeon and his sermons. Click on any of the categories in the sidebar to see those which are according to the numerous mentoring aspects of this ministry website. Blessings! Pastor Robert |
Robert Thomas Clark, M.Div. This is the ministry blog of Robert Thomas Clark, It is designed to be a repository of inspiring, impactful & influential posts on biblical truth, themes and concepts, which brings insights and initiates inquisitiveness!. Archives
December 2024