A critical and crucial area to know well in teaching and preaching God's trustworthy Word and His plan of Redemption (clearly an OT and NT thing!) is the place of the feasts in the OT as they point to Christ and God redemptive plans.
Since Rosh Hashanah or the Feasts of Trumpets begins today Sept. 15th at sunset and goes to sunset on Sunday, Sept. 17th. With this in mind and knowing that this feasts. Online Christian encylopedia GotQuestions says... "The Feast of Trumpets, along with the other six festivals of the LORD, foreshadowed certain aspects of the ministry of Jesus Christ. The prophets linked the blowing of trumpets to the future Day of Judgment: “Blow the trumpet in Zion; sound the alarm on my holy hill. Let all who live in the land tremble, for the day of the LORD is coming. It is close at hand” (Joel 2:1; see also Zephaniah 1:14, 16)." In the New Testament, we see that the Lord’s Second Coming will be accompanied by the sound of a trumpet (1 Corinthians 15:51-52; 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17). Each of the judgments in Revelation 8-9 is also signaled by a trumpet. Just as the shofar called the Jewish nation to turn their attention to the Lord and ready themselves for the Day of Atonement, so will the “trump of God” call us to heaven and warn the world of coming judgment. All we read and study the OT it gives to us a pictures of God's truths of the Lord Jesus Christ and redemption though Him. Follow the link to find the free booklet on the The Holidays of God - Fall Feasts. You can also find the Spring Feasts for free as well with a quick search. https://discoveryseries.org/.../the-holidays-of-god-the.../ Blessings!
It is quite important that we maintain our attention on the Word of God and even more so as we appear to be experiencing the last days. Scriptures sufficiency has never been more important to focus on and knowing how others have depended upon God's Word for personal need and proclamation of the gospel and truth inspires us to do the same.
https://g3min.org/source-sufficiency-scripture/ Here is an article from G3 Ministries and Dr. Josh Buice gives us a fantastic treatment of the Source and Sufficiency of Scripture. I particularly like his illustration of Calvin's use of the Word in ministry and also the reference of Bunyan's The Pilgrim's Progress. May it be for you a strong encouragement today. Blessings! Pastor Robert There’s no substitute for using God’s Word for counseling. There’s always discipleship involved and the use of His truths which He has provided should be front and center.
https://g3min.org/the-sufficiency-of-scripture-for.../... Here’s a great short article on “The Sufficiency of Scripture for Counseling” and the author’s use of Scripture is really good plus citing of Dr. Heath Lambert. Click on the link above or the picture/quote below to read this article. Blessings! Pastor Rob I know that I started to emphasize the Lord's supreme attribute of holiness, but for a time I will focus on articles, videos and audios related to knowing Him by His attributes and personage and qualities. We must know what He is like.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EzkXUNg5vYU Here is a 20-minute message by Dr. Steven Lawson on the Attributes of God. It is the beginning of a series but sets us on our course direction as we navigate the many aspects of what God is like. Blessings! One of the most quotable preachers in this day and age is Steven Lawson. If you haven't heard a message by him, then I suggest search YouTube or GTY org for his 2007 message (audio only at Shepherd's Conference) on "The Power and Passion of Apostolic Preaching".
Or, the 2015 Inerrancy Summit on "The Puritan Commitment to Sola Scriptura". But today I am providing a link to The Cripplegate Blog where the author elaborates on Lawson's 2017 messages on the metaphors the Bible uses about itself. I think you will enjoy it as much as I did! https://thecripplegate.com/seven-metaphors-for-gods-word/ Here's a quote from Lawson that is very significant...“Because the Word of God is inerrant, it is, therefore, by necessity, invincible. And because it is absolutely pure, it is absolutely powerful.” Blessings! It is so important going forward in these end times to dig deeper and excavate more of what we see in the OT pictures of NT truth. It is foolish at best to "unhitch" ourselves from the Old Testament and focus only on the resurrection, as much of a wonderful miracle as it was.
There's so much to learn and grow in grace when it comes to the OT today in the 21st century! May we learn from a program like the Creation Magazine Live! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eut_aJI-voE&t=4s Here we have an episode, always about 28 minutes long, entitled "Genesis: The Seedbed of All Christian Doctrine". Blessings! Pastor Robert It is important that we root our understanding about Christ and His work in what the Scriptures say about it and the doctrinal positions we hold come from there.
https://www.ligonier.org/.../limited-atonement-simply-put Here, as we continue to look over doctrines around Christ and salvation for greater depths of understanding, is a 7-minute podcasts on "Limited Atonement" by Dr. Barry Cooper. Blessings! When we consider the Bible and the many views and even attacks on its historicity, truthfulness and reliability, it is a worthwhile endeavor to look into and study about this contemporary things that are providing assurance that God's Word is truly trustworthy.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b05ULhPu9Sk Biblical archaeology is one of those worthwhile endeavors as many recent discoveries and videos about them are very helpful to our faith in God's Word to us. Here is a video about the Moabite Stone, which is now on display in the Louvre. But what is its backstory? Blessings! This is an encounter orchestrated by the Holy Spirit's work in the heart and conscience of a professor. An awesome display of God's providential timing and work in the lives of unbelievers.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3KwDXoq29Q&t=1s Blessings! |
Robert Thomas Clark, M.Div. This is the ministry blog of Robert Thomas Clark, It is designed to be a repository of inspiring, impactful & influential posts on biblical truth, themes and concepts, which brings insights and initiates inquisitiveness!. Archives
December 2024