This is from my FB Mentoring Group "The Penny Pulpit"!, which I began in December 2020. Here I explained the reason and how it came to be called this. My prayer is it is a great encouragement to all. Ideas come from interesting sources. The Idea to create a new group known as The Penny Pulpit, came by the inspiration I received while reading on the life, ministry and legacy of Charles Haddon Spurgeon. Spurgeon has come to be known as "the Prince of Preachers" or "the Peoples' Preacher". It was in his head early in his ministry to have his messages transcribed by several secretaries. Then on Mondays he would assess and edit their transcripts of his sermon and send it to be published on paper and to be sold on the street corners or sent around the world. In this way he was able to advance and multiply every sermon for influence around the world. My desire here in this group is to link by posts to key and influential messages which I find on the internet. They will be sermons from Lloyd-Jones, MacArthur, Lawson, Dever, Mohler and many others. These will be anywhere from 20 to 60 minutes in length...full sermons really, which is different from my tendency in the other posts of other groups. I wanted this to be a quick-stop-spot for members to find full length sermons from famous men of God from their own pulpits. I want it to be a place for you to come back time and again if you desire. I am not charging a penny for each...this title just serves as a token or symbol for the idea of what Spurgeon did and to continue it for today and beyond. Here we have the first of these Penny Pulpit sermons and it is from Dr. John MacArthur, "The First Sacrifice". I especially was intrigued about his exposition of Adam's faith in God after he had sinned. There are many today who doubt Adam's existence and if they concede Adam existed, then they don't believe that he was saved or that his faith was counted to him as righteousness. Dr. MacArthur skillfully provides us with the elements of the gospel from Genesis 3:20-24. You can find this message on Grace to You and there is a transcription of the whole sermon. May the Lord richly bless you as you learn from the messages posted here at The Penny Pulpit group. Blessings! Pastor Rob
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Robert Thomas Clark, M.Div. This is the ministry blog of Robert Thomas Clark, It is designed to be a repository of inspiring, impactful & influential posts on biblical truth, themes and concepts, which brings insights and initiates inquisitiveness!. Archives
December 2024