Today begins a series of blog post considerations related to the characteristic of the Scriptures known as "Inspiration". It is vital doctrine (2 Timothy 3:16-17) to help us stand each day on the authority of the Word of God as our sole authority in faith and practice of service and worship.
This doctrine interconnects and gives credence to the doctrine of the Bible's revelation to us from and of God Himself. Every part of the Scriptures is inspired from Him as he used the various writers to reveal all He wants us to know. Key in this is the concept of it being a written witness forever (Isaiah 30:8), which means that He preserves it forever and it is trustworthy as a witness to all He wants us to know from Him in this supernatural written transmission of His will and actions! Another aspect of this doctrine is in its details of being connected to the character of God Himself (perfect and incapable of error) and inerrancy. With that in mind I think a short quote from this article is very helpful: "...if all Scripture is God-breathed, i.e., it is the product of God and proceeds from God Himself, and if God is incapable of error, then Scripture must include no error in anything that it affirms. Of course, the Bible might inerrantly record the errors that others have committed (and it does), but the Bible does not affirm those errors. A necessary consequent of verbal, plenary inspiration is the inerrancy of Scripture." I hope that this series will not come only from one source when I post links, but here in 2022 the G3 Blog guys have provided some very solid but short articles on this doctrine. I intend to post links to other blog articles which I have found and which I have been reading and re-reading about this doctrine of the Inspiration of Scripture as well. Just click on the above link or the picture/quote below to find this G3 Blog article. Blessings! Pastor Robert
Robert Thomas Clark, M.Div. This is the ministry blog of Robert Thomas Clark, It is designed to be a repository of inspiring, impactful & influential posts on biblical truth, themes and concepts, which brings insights and initiates inquisitiveness!. Archives
December 2024